About Lesson
Final Project includes MS OneDrive, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Internet Browsing, and MS Windows.
Create a 4×4 table by duplicating the image below in an MS Word Document.
- The Functions are: Merge, Split cells Collums, Split cells rows, Insert Copyright symbol and TradeMark symbol
Below the table, insert a picture of a Bear
Upload the MS Word Document to the OneDrive folder with the name Final Project MS Word XXX (the xxx are your initials).
MS Excel
- Duplicate the Excel image into a spreadsheet.
- Provide the Results using the Data columns.
- Upload the MS Excel spreadsheet to the OneDrive folder with the name Final Project MS Excel XXX (the xxx are your initials).
MS PowerPoint
- Create Four slides MS PowerPoint presentation
- First slide: Eagle
- Second slide: Bear
- Third slide: Wolf
- Fourth slide: Whale
- Upload the MS PoerPoint presentation to the OneDrive folder with the name Final Project MS PowerPoint XXX (the xxx are your initials).
MS OneDrive
- Verify your folders have three projects
- Word Project
- Excel Project
- PowerPoint Project
MS Outlook
- Send an Email to the instructor
- In the Email Subject line: Final Project – your name
- Type the Message: I have completed my Project